10 db or 20 db attenuator?

I hooked up a Transporter direct to an Ayre amp and getting too much signal at the low end of the dial.  I've got this in the bedroom so want to be able to play low volume.  It looks like an attenuation device might do the trick.  Was thinking of trying a balanced rothwell, and I can get either -10dB or -20dB.  Would like to buy correctly the first time.  Would anyone happen to know given the pieces above which version might work best for me?  Thanks
If the volume control is a rotary type (as opposed to one having "up" and "down" buttons) the following photo will probably enable you to determine a reasonable approximation of the difference in volume control settings that would result between the two attenuators. The markings for the volume control in the photo are calibrated in db of attenuation. And although what is shown in the photo is a passive preamp, I believe that the markings shown are reasonably representative of the attenuation vs. position characteristics of rotary volume controls that are used in active designs.


So for example if you are presently using the volume control at a setting corresponding to the position marked "40" in the photo, with a 10 db attenuator you would be using it at about the "30" position, and with a 20 db attenuator you would be using it at about the "20" position.

-- Al
Jeez Al, 
If only we had someone like you to get the government open again...
Thanks, Bob.  But of course some problems are more easily solved than others :-)

Best regards,
-- Al 
I suggest this. https://www.schiit.com/products/sys
I’m using one between my Rogue RP-5 and Nuforce STA200 which has super high gain (My ZU Speakers are 101 db). The attenuator allows me to lower volume a bit so tube hiss is not so loud. The unit is dead quiet and passive. You can control how much volume you need instead of replying on fixed settings. I tried the Harrison Attenuators and noticed a very slight "smeary" sound that I cannot explain. The SYS does not add any audio color or anything from what I can hear. Just a pure signal transfer. For $49, you can’t go wrong. Just my 2 cents