2 channel Poll: Vote: Do you use Tubes or SS?

after using tubes for almost 12 years now, 2 of those using hybrids, i am now going to use Solid State amps for the 1st time in my audio life. Reasons? I have too many high maitanence things in my life (job,girlfriend car, not in any particular order) and can't see using 16 output tubes in addition to the 32 I use for source gear. So the question, of the memebers here, chime in, do you use SS or Tubes??

Btw: this isnt a Tubes vs SS is better thread.
I guess we agree Karls. Same reason I like CJ and BC. I've heard BAT tube gear but no SS yet. Will have to check it out.
Tube is primary at the moment: ARC vt100, ph3, bat vk5i.
Solid State: Pass labs aleph 2 and aleph P.

Prefer tubes, but sometimes like the ridiculously high resolutin of the pass labs gear. Seems that if I set up the stereo with the speakers way out into the room, the ss gear sounds better (images very precisely). The tube gear is more forgiving. My system sounds good even with the speakers pushed back against the wall.
Enjoy your time with solid state. See you back in tube world after you tire of transistors!!! Baby, I said CJ not BJ!!!!
I'm using both.

Primary 2 channel system with BAT VK50SE, Sony SCD777ES, Sonic Frontiers SFD2-MKII tube dac, into Levinson 33H into Aerial 10t's.

2nd system HT, I'm working on making good 2 channel by passing the Lexicon DC1 through a BAT VK3i tube pre. Mains are Infinity IRS Betas. This is a work in progress. Frustration followed by sheer delight. I'm trying to avoid using tubes on the Beta mid/tweet panels. So far so good.
