2 channel Poll: Vote: Do you use Tubes or SS?

after using tubes for almost 12 years now, 2 of those using hybrids, i am now going to use Solid State amps for the 1st time in my audio life. Reasons? I have too many high maitanence things in my life (job,girlfriend car, not in any particular order) and can't see using 16 output tubes in addition to the 32 I use for source gear. So the question, of the memebers here, chime in, do you use SS or Tubes??

Btw: this isnt a Tubes vs SS is better thread.
Love my tube equipment--VAC,AI, & SF, and ML speakers. CAL CD player and Sota with Graham arm and Transfiguration cart. Together are wonderful and never have I had problems. After 5 or 6 years without SS; no hassles whatsoever. Would do it all over again the same way.
I use both in separate systems. Why choose when you can have both? I like tubes for most of the music I like most.
I would much rather have two(or more) different & wonderful sounding systems than spend $$$$$$$$$$ for the last 1/2 of 1% of improvement in one. In fact, I've found that certain kinds of music sound best on one or the other and the whole notion of one system delivering the "best" sound for all kinds of music is BS. Guess that's another thread.

I can't believe the number of people who have had such a hard time with tubes. Too bad. Tubes are way more fun if you have a soldering iron.

Justlisten, you do NOT need 16 output tubes in order to get a great tube sound nor do you have to spend mega $$$$.

(Tube people are all "biased")

I remain,
I agree with Fiat8 - McIntosh Solid State all the way.
Just a great smooth, warm sound.
i leave my tubes on 24/7. i have never had any major promlems. ss i could not live with. i have a krell 200s running subs in my theater. it is a great amp but i could not live with it for highs and mids. i find it hard to believe that someone can hear tubes and still think ss sounds better. tubes are more lifelike ,larger, and just more real. with ss depth does not exist. i know you ss guys are thinking this guy is crazy. the tube guys are nodding your heads though. just remember ss guys and gals i was a huge ss guy until i heard tubes.it was a crushing and eye opening experience for me. i could not stand the fact that my class a millon watt krell had been beat by that little 70 watt piece of junk with light bulbs sticking out of it.
I agree with Fiat8 - McIntosh Solid State all the way.
Just a great smooth, warm sound.