<2K amp for Shearwaters

Now that I have a nice pair of speakers,... I want tubes. I've set my budget, and am trying to decide beween: 1. an integrated- like the Cary sli80, VTL IT85, CJ,. 2. Use the volume on my Marantz CD63 to control the level into a power amp- VTL ST85, or many used pieces I've noticed on Audiogon.. or go with some inexpensive mono blocks, ss or used tube. I mean, I think I really want tube power, I love the sound, the few times I've listened. and the speaker maker highly reccommends tube power for his product. Any advice from Shearwater owners (89dB) or anybody else is appreciated. Jay
I would buy a Van Alstine Omega III at about a $1000 for those speakers. It is solid state, but I don't think there is anything intrinsically special about a tube. If your just dying to have them their fet/valve line are hybrid vacuum tube solid-state designs and start at around $1500 (I own those). Any of the Van Alstine stuff is excellent value for the money. www.avahifi.com A used or new Carver Sunfire would also be a good amplifier.
Jay - Do yourself a favor and stick with tubes. Ez either isn't reading your post or hasn't heard good, all-tube amps. If there isn't something intrinsically special about good tubes, then why would any manufacturer still use them?!?. There are plenty of used tube amps, stereo or monoblocks, less than $2k listed. Figure on tube rolling to get the sound that best fits your system and taste. There's a RM-9 Mk2 listed for $1550 obo which is a great amp for the money, and very reliable. Also, CJ and VTL models are available. These usually sound best after a bit of "tweaking", upgraded caps and tubes. Follow your ears and you'll eventually find what you want. Goodluck.
Rogue has a all tube Integrated Amp due out next week.Its called the Tempest.1995.00 If its anywhere as good as their other stuff it will be a steal.Your speakers will sound great with these.The amps also have the capability of bringing another set of amps into it so you can bi amp.
I too, used to have the Shearwaters (Hot Rods) and Marantz 63 SE. These speakers really do like tubes, Jay. I have heard them on Rogue equip. and they sounded great, so I concur w/prev. post. My best friend has them with Jolida 502B ($700 used) w/ DH Silver Sonics biwire/interconnects and it is one of the best budget systems I have ever heard! I also think an Aronov Tube integrated 60w/ch ($1400 used) is hard to beat. But you really should go up to a Rega (CD $450 used) or get a MSB DAC (can use 63's optical output) to help your front end. The Harmonic Technology Truth-Link cables are a good way to go for a bit more. Their Pro-11 biwired is one of the best kept secrets for speaker wire set-ups. Best Regards, truman