300B tubes for AN Kegon Set amps?

I am looking for 300B tube suggestions for some AN Kegon set amps I just purchased used to drive a pair of 98db speakers. I am considering EAT, Sophia, Takatski, and Elrog. I have read reviews saying the Elrogs sound incredible but have a reliable problem?
I have experience with both the Sophia RP and Takatsuki. Both are good, but the Takatsuki is superior - by a lot. (Honestly, not even close. The only advantage of the Sophias is cost.) I have had no reliability issues with the Takatsukis. I have a pair of barely-used EATs, but neither own nor have heard the Elrogs.
Anyone have any info on the EML Mesh 300B tubes? I currently own the Psvane black bottle tubes and they are powerful sounding but I wonder if the EML Mesh will sound more liquid in the highs? My amp is a Triode Audio SET 300B.