80's System Needs Upgrade

After years of being too busy with family and business, my music listening was confined to convenience like small but decent office mini-system, and decent car stereo. I just recently dusted off my main gear (literally sat unused for years), and started listening again. I just also subscribed to Stereophile and Sound & Vision, and this website, now I want to do something to upgrade but in steps. My current setup is real old, bought in the mid 80's but everything still works exactly like new, except my kid snapped the stylus on my Blue Point cartridge about 10 years ago (see what I mean, never got around to fixing it until now). My ancient system:

1. Kef 104/2 Speakers

2. Denon POA-2200/PRA-1100 Amp/Preamp Separates

3. Linn Axis Turntable/Basik Arm w/ broken Blue Point Cartridge

4. Sony 507ESD CD Player directly connected to Denon amp thru built-in CD jack w/high cut filter (always sounded better than thru preamp)

5. Denon TU-600 Tuner

6. Onkyo Integra TA-2800 Cassette Tape Deck

Current plan is to move my Denon amp and preamp downstairs to run some ceiling mount Triad speakers (or equal) which I want to get for the TV room, just decent enough for good background music quality for parties. The preamp has a/v inputs so I could support a 2 channel sound system for the video, frankly more interested in the music than the surround sound thing. I can always upgrade that room's system to surround in the future around the Triad's. I'll use the Denon amp B speaker outputs for outdoor speakers for adjacent patio also.

Wifey has confined the KEF's to my home office (she hates speakers, hence the ceiling mount downstairs). So my current plan is to get a good quality used integrated amp for my Kef 104/2's. I'll also get a used phono cartridge to listen to my old 70's thru 80's vinyl, make analog tapes from vinyl with my Onkyo for the car and parties, continue to use my Sony CD player (I download and burn CD's at 320 kbps and lossless if available).

Sorry for long post, but what would you recommend for $1K to $2K used integrated amp as best match for 104/2's (best sound bang for buck)? I've seen/considered used Krell 300 or 400, DK Design VS1 V.3, Portal Panache or based on my situation and music sources should I keep the Denon separates for my Kef 104's and upgrade elsewhere first, i.e. would I gain appreciable sound improvements with a good integrated over my old Denon separates? Also any ideas on a used phono cartridge for about $100? This is probably a mid-fi to entry level hi-fi question but appreciate any advice from you hi-fi experts.

In shopping for integrateds, keep in mind that you are going to have to look at units with onboard phono stages unless you want to go to the additional trouble of buying a new phono stage and pair of ic's which will obviously contribute to the cost and expense.

As for cartridges, you could look at either the Shure M97XE or Audio Technica AT 120E for around $60-$70, both excellent cartridges with the Shure giving you a warmer, mellower sound and the AT being quite a bit more lively-take your pick depending on your preference. Or the AT 440 MLA which is available around $90 and shares similar attributes with its cheaper brother.
Thanks for the advice and tips on the cartridge. You're definitely right that I need the onboard phono stage, so I guess that will narrow my choices, any suggestions out there on an integrated w/ phono stage that fits my speakers, I will mainly be listening to CD's right now, so I'll want more emphasis on that part rather than the phono, unless there is a win-win out there.
This thread on audio asylum might help. You might want to try to post over there in the heritage, speaker, and amp asylum (all three)!

Maybe a good, older McIntosh amp might be the way to go.

Also, another thought might be to check out tube amplification. Given the 92dB sensitivity it might work with a wide variety, starting around 8 W.

Finally, I second the above cartridge recommendations, i.e. Shure and AT. Another cartridge to consider would be the Denon DL160 (around $150) and maybe a Benz Ace (around $450 with trade in of your damaged cartridge).

Good luck!

I would consider Plinius intergrated also.Great reliable product and great sound for the $$$ Good Luck in your choice.