845 SET recommendation

I would like to try an 845 SET power amp in the next couple of mths and was wondering what other besides Art Audio and deHavilland should i look into. Your recommendations are appreciated.
the 845M is excellent, so is the Cary 805c for an 845 based amp. i'm in love w/ these amps paired with my martin logan vantages.
I hide my 2 amps (asl 845, with stock 845's) behind a large, low coffee-table-like shelf with a large older CRT 29 inch TV sitting atop. The valves seem no worse staring into a dulling 40-watt lightbulbs at its end of its useful life, but I wouldnt know how much worse it is than 2A3 or 300B types.

Actually I am playing music with highest satisfaction with a full VIVA AUDIO system pre, pre fono and the big aurora 845 monoblocks, and Rockport ( and asap the tad r1) speakers. Absolutely grainless, fast, and muscolar dynamic sound. One of the best amps I ever heard ( including big names), and the preamplifiers ( also beloved by HP) are also excellent.. The 845 at his best...
I own Cary 805 monos and I'd feel comfortable recommending them despite the hefty price tag. I do prefer to run them with 211s, however, so that may make the recommendation moot.
