Many times in the past, people have said to me that their systems are really close to the sound of real live unamplified music. Its when I proceed to play my Taylor next to their system do their jaws drop... NOT even close.
That is one of my pet peeves about the audio hobby today, many reviewers hold a particular piece of equipment up on a pedestal,so the public believes it is capable of reproducing music; especially since it costs tens of thousands of dollars. What the reviewers never seem to do is hold the piece to the highest standard as a reference.
When Harry coined the term 'The Absolute Sound' I for one felt that this standard was one that would make reviewers and the public realize how inadequate all equipment is and that with that in mind, no real exultations would be forthcoming ( except in regards to other available equipment perhaps). Today it seems that several reviewers and magazines are happy to stipulate a piece of equipment has amazing abilities. Compared to other available equipment maybe, but compared to live sound...NOT IMHO.