A few new questions for me

first off, are the older lexicon 512 amps any good? I got a sorta handed to me and it seems to work. I am looking to add a processor to it. I was going to go with a integra or marantz before the amp but now that i have this thing was looking at just getting a processor. Not looking to spend to much but just starting out here.. thanks!
thanks! budget is probably low compared to some but i'd say around $1k.

I was also looking at integra 50.3...would that work? Or should i go with the 9.9
50.3 is probably good and newer than the ones I mentioned but I have no personal experience with it.

Definitely keep the amp and get a pre/pro IMO. Upgrade the rest of the system, then upgrade the amp. It's a very good amp. A little old, but Bryston ages very well.
so i guess for me it boils down to

-like Kbarkamian said - keep the amp and build on it


Take a little more cash and just buy a SR7005 or something equivalent that has a built in amp and NOT fiddle with the separates...

That amp will power speakers better than any receiver that I know of. Most receivers' spec sheets are a bunch of BS when it comes to ratings. They'll take one channel at the easiest to reproduce frequency for a millisecond, and measure it for a nanosecond. This is how they can get away with figures like 170 watts x 7. Your amp's specs are legit. If it says 150 x 5 or whatever it is, you can bet every channel does that simultaneously throughout the entire frequency range. You can also bet that it'll drive low impedence speakers without a hiccup.

Sorry if I sound like a salesman. To me, it would be a no-brainer. But I don't have your room, space requirements, budget, preferences, etc.