A New Superstar Power Cord

I am not wont to gush over audio components or cables. I have been involved in audiomania too long and have seen too many stars of today evaporate the next week. But I do have to gush about a PC I just bought new for full price -- the LessLoss DFPC Reference. I have no relationship whatsoever with LessLoss, other than having owned the original DFPC and then a few Sigs.

20 minutes out of the box, connected to my preamp, and I am very impressed -- and after some 40 years as an audiophile, I do not impress easily. More to follow after I experiment with different sources and longer burn-in, but there is an IMMEDIATELY audible sense of greater quietude, more natural and "present" voices, and greater, more organic instrumental detail. And the LessLoss Ref cord replaced one of the stars in the PC firmament, which lists for 2.5x the price. This could be a game changer. I thought the DFPC Signature was a great PC, but the Ref is an entirely new dimension. It is also a physically beautiful cord, and aesthetics count. Kudos to Louis Motek., the designer, who also is a perfect gentleman to deal with.

For $1,824, I feel a bit larcenous! I need to calm down.

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To JMCgrogan2,

I actually think very highly of the Valhalla cords and find them different from the IC's which I also have in BR system. I find them more neutral and fuller bodied than IC's and eminently liveable.

I don't listen to an IC or PC for specifics, to be candid. First, I close my eyes and see if I say to myself: "That sounds really good." Then, I spend some time listening for irritating factors, e.g., too little bass, this or abrasive top end, pronounced mid's. Then I just spend some time and see if the smile continues.

So I cannot say if the soundstage or depth is better or worse then Elrod's; I can only say the LessLoss Ref is a step up IN THE GESTALT from what I have heard. I cannot imagine others not, at a minimum, being impressed. Whether y'all run out and buy one is a matter or personal taste and finances.



I think very highly of the Valhalla cords too. If I were to demo my system to try to impress others, the Valhalla would be my go-to cord. I have just found that over the long haul, I can not live with them long term, as they tend to decrease my desire to listen for extended periods. I have tried them several times because they are so impressive initially, but I always seem to catch myself listening less often, I feel due to information overload on the brain, so out they go.....again. LOL! I found that in my system, the Stealth Dream provided most of the resolution of the Valhalla, but with just a hint of musicality that allowed me to use them over a longer term.

The Elrod's are a different animal altogether, more like the Purist Audio and Kubala Sosna power cords that I've owned. Full bodied and musical. Not as revealing and articulate as the Nordost or Stealth, but with more musical weight and power. I've yet to hear a cord that does it all. Those that provide more resolution tend to also be leaner, while those that add more weight tend to lack resolution. I tend to blend my cables and cords to try to get a little bit of both, but I probably lean more towards the warm side now than I did years ago, when I was chasing the higher resolution. Now I'm more about just relaxing and listening to music rather than having to hear that last minute detail in the recording. As always, YMMV.

That sounds nice but I just auditioned a insane power cable in a real shootout, it is a prototype called Wardenclyffe Master Reference it was ten feet long and very big.
I tried it against a electraglide fatman an epiphany,a elco hpc 10. All these were six feet or 5 feet long.Note I have heard many others and these are better than most.
The Wardenclyffe cable had the most unbelievable bass power,speed, perfect timbre and pace.The transparency was amazing it made the system invisible,the soundstage deep and wide,if that wasn't enough the decay /ambient details were so much better that when a very complex passage that choked up the system with the other cables came along this just flush it out like being there live. The dynamics and delineation were superb. The separation of instruments and smoothness are also amazing. You had to hear it to believe it.It was like comparing a Vac statement 450 to a dynaco stock amp no kidding. I could not buy the prototype but will be buying the first one when it is ready. The designer is shooting for $750. His theory is no jewelry all performance.He will be using good connectors just not crazy priced over hyped stuff as it is not needed but that is what he is testing to see if there is one that is worth the bucks.
here the answer………

"I am a big fan of the Sigs and trust Louis when he says this are a big step up, but curious as to what real world experience has been. As top of the line PC's go, $1,824 is not outrageous, and probably would be twice that if not sold direct.



I am a big fan of the Sigs and trust Louis when he says this are a big step up, but curious as to what real world experience has been. As top of the line PC's go, $1,824 is not outrageous, and probably would be twice that if not sold direct.

