A simple request---Please pack audio gear well.

I just received a Rowland amplifer today via Fedex Ground. It came from within the state so it was a shorter transit time.

the amp came with a bent rear heat sink. I have not yet checked to see if it works operationally.

the amp was packed in a single, fairly thin walled cardboard box. the amp was not wrapped in plastic, so I spent 10 mins, poking out shipping peanuts out of the heat sinks.

There really needs to be guide here on Audiogon on how to properly pack audio equipment for those to follow.

Some of my suggestions

1. Never use peanuts, they are worthless, especially when shipping anything over 1 pound in weight. a 50 lb amp will render a .0001 oz piece of foam useless when it rolls on top of it.

2. double box things or use a thick walled box. Computer boxes are great if you can't double box.

3. wrap the item in something. never just pack it naked. use a garbage bag if need be. a pillowcase. USE something!

4. if you don't have something at home, use a packing professional, I have done this and the $20-$45 cost was worth the risk.

I am very worried about powering up this amp and will be using a pair of speakers I found at the flea market as the Guinea Pig while testing if it works.
Who paid for the shipping? If the buyer agrees to pay the shipping costs they are in a much better position to specify how the equipment should be packed and sent. If you want it double boxed and no-peanuts, then make it part of the deal.
Who paid for the shipping? If the buyer agrees to pay the shipping costs they are in a much better position to specify how the equipment should be packed and sent. If you want it double boxed and no-peanuts, then make it part of the deal.
Respectfully, everyone should read the FAQ guidelines I referenced above. They are detailed, specific, and if followed will mitigate pretty much any problem that comes up. Per the guidelines, who pays for shipping is negotiable (ie buyer or seller will pay), but irrellevant to the question of who's responsible for safe packaging and shipment. THAT, is always the seller's responsibility. I personally will not deal with a seller who doesn't subscribe to this rule.
Sorry to read of your experience. The seller was negligent in his packing.

There is really no substitute for original packing material. I won't purchase a used component without it.
In regards to who paid for shipping, well, I made an offer to include shipping and paypal costs, so I guess I paid for it. Not sure why that would matter as it should be the packer/sellers responsibility to pack it well.

I have emailed the seller about the bent heat sink, and have not heard back from him and don't want to point fingers or name names as of yet, as hopefully he will be reasonable in regards to a small refund for the bent sink, assuming the thing works operationally.

btw--the seller has considerable postive feedback and in it, is refered to as an excellent packer, so when I got the shipment today, i was pretty puzzled.
It is quite simple:

As buyers we do not want to pay alot for pack/ship, but we want the perfect pack/ship job. THIS IS NOT DIRECTED AT JUSTLISTEN. I KNOW YOU WOULD DO THE RIGHT THING. There are newish rules with UPS that state NO CLAIM WILL BE PAID for any damage to electronics that has used cardboard boxes from previous shipments, internal carton or external.

It used to be factory packaging was acceptable and maybe for some claims it still is, but anthing of value will likely be looked at much closer, pulling the lack of packaging, old or preused packaging to deny claims.

Here is what I do - doesn't mean it is right - but I will share.

When I sell something, I charge UPS Store packaging rates. I am sure to let them know the value, as this dictates packaging requirements and costs. A simple, smallish amplifier, say 40 lbs will cost close to $54 to double pack for insured shipping. I use UPS store to pack AND ship the item. Expensive packaging costs - yes. Counter rates higher than on account - yes. Insurance higher per $100 of value ($2.50 per $100 or less versus $0.45 per $100 at the station) - yes. If there is ANY DAMAGE, WHAT-SO-EVER, the claim is guaranteed since the UPS Store packed, shipping, and insured it.

Seller - happy the extra expense helped the buyer.
Buyer - happy he paid the extra expense to recoup his money.

I should say, another side benefit is there is no complaining back and forth about proper packaging, crapping wrapping, etc, etc. As well, with a claim, UPS store employees handle ALL of the paperwork. You only show proof of purchase and value.

LASTLY FOLKS - DO NOT OVER INSURE PACKAGES YOU SHIP! UPS will ONLY pay for the claim UP TO PURCHASE PRICE. YOU HAVE TO SHOW PROOF OF THE SALE (your ad, email, etc.). Don't spend extra money or commit insurance fraud!!
