A warning to all about HUGE Subwoofers

So I just bought a Velodyne HGS18 yesterday and its amazingly awesome. Enough so that I know that it can crack concrete and after playing with it a while i genuinely have realized this has the potential if unleashed to destroy a house.

I decided to do a test tone to see how it did and at 10HZ this thing will rattle your whole house (I listen to rap amongst other things, I'm no stranger to playing loud bass)and that is with very little volume. Be careful when you look at subs in accordance to your building.

I always thought the subs that had that potential were awesome and amazing which they are (at least this one) However it isnt fun be afraid to turn up your sub for fear of tearing down your walls. It wasnt that bad but it seems that in 2 seconds or less if its going to loud and low it could do some damage. I can only imagine what it would have done my volume was any higher or if i let it go without being next to the volume switch.

On a side note hearing frequencies that low is an amazing improvement and far better than I had anticipated
The true test of an audiophile system...." does it make the wax fall out of your ears?"
If your system can not pressurize your listening space you are for sure missing something wonderful. If this doesn't mater to you nothing wrong with that. But without the pressure detail across the range is missing. And the excitement and suspension of disbelief is greatly diminished.
If your system can not pressurize your listening space you are for sure missing something wonderful.
But no buildings were harmed in the pressurising of this space :^)
I run and offer some of the largest and most powerful bass systems on the planet. I do not damage my home. I use a bass horn equal to 6-8 18in woofers in ported cabinets I use this as part of my office system. While I can pressurize a large hall with it also works well for Movies gaming as well as music in smaller space. We also offer the Fostex 31.5 in super woofer as well as other bass horns inc the 4-18 with 4 18in drivers. No customers have damaged there homes though one did have bird fly into his bass horn he turned it up a wee bit to chase out bird the pressure in horn killed it.