Absolute Sound - do we really need another review like this?

I own the OPPPO 105 player purchased 3 years ago and still very satisfied with it.
There are TONS and TONS of glowing reviews of this unit and apparently oppo is working on a replacement model.

In this current February 2017 issue of Absolute Sound, there is yet another review (a brief one) on this unit.

Kind of long in the tooth and totally futile. Sounds like the following Scenario:

oppo: hi stereophile, look, we are still a few months away from putting out the 105 replacement, could you run something just so that we can keep the flame alive before the new model come out?

 Sorry but that went trough my head reading this review of the still-stellar and reviewed to death Oppo 105.

Cheers all !

If you want to complain about a review, how about the Rega review in which we were essentially told that running your table a bit fast improves "pace".  Does this make my Music Hall Cruise Control a "pace control" in case I don't like the way artist performed a track?
I tend to look at the bright side of things.

Look at it this way, atleast our hobby is relevant enough that we actually have magazines dedicated and which cater to our interests.

Life could always be worse, fellas.

Just a little perspective.
I used to love reading Stereophile through the 90's. I couldn't wait for the latest issue to arrive. I thoroughly enjoyed the humor in Corey Greenberg reviews, and Sam Telligs reviews of affordable, budget, gear.
Which was basically all I could barely afford. His review of the Quicksilver GLA el34 amp for one.
I had to get away from reading it, because it was wrecking my mental state. I would obsess over equipment I could never afford after reading how blissfull a $3000 pair of Magnepans sounded. I went to bed dreaming of multi-thousand dollar planar speakers, Mega buck Cary tube amps, and Oracle Delphis with an air-bearing tonearm and Koetsu cartridge. I would run through the scenerio of hitting the lottery, and walking into the East Liberty, Pittsburgh,Audio Salon, and being able to buy the gorgeous gear there, rather than just go there to listen and oogle the audio porn on the shelves. Finding Audiogon and Audio Asylum was a revelation. I buy all used, but its new to me, and I could not be happier.
Life is all about choices. 
If you don"t like a magazine - don't subscribe to it.
If you don't like the subject of an article - don't read it.
This hobby is fun - don't let anybody or anything ruin that for you. 
The only reviewer to trust is your ears and your brain.
Never forget - it's all about the music not the equipment - the equipment is only a means by which we listen to music.
A wise person spends more on music than he does equipment.

It does amaze me that, in a hobby like this with so many obsessives and sticklers for details upon details, publications like Stereophile and TAS continue to exist.  It's not like there is a continuous wave of new people coming in to the hobby that need a basic intro (maybe this is the fantasy that keeps the advertising dollars flowing). I mean, c'mon, at least show me a picture of the back of the speakers and tell me where they are manufactured!  I'VE SWORN OFF all but HIFI+ and The Audiophile Voice.  HIFI+ because of the production quality (paper and ink) more than anything else, and TAV because of its refreshing quirkiness.