Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
It seems clear both the Trenner- Friedl and Dynaudio are world class speakers. As mentioned before, different design philosophy yielding different sonic characters (as one would expect). Matt's earlier amplifier analogy and follow up detailed listening comparison sums it up effectively. Both superb speakers. One appeals more(emotionally) to the heart and soul, the other has outstanding cerebral appeal without being guilty of analytical sterility. So it's a matter of which wears better long term? A listener's inherent bias/taste will determine that. This speaker journey has been fun and interesting to follow.
Hmmmm... Matt, You seem to be in the horrid position of having fallen in love with two divine girls! ... Oops, I meant speakers!

Which one will be your girlfriend... Double Oops, so sooorry, I meant... Which one will you choose?

May be... Marry both?!

09-23-15: Guidocorona
Hmmmm... Matt, You seem to be in the horrid position of having fallen in love with two divine girls! ... Oops, I meant speakers!

Which one will be your girlfriend... Double Oops, so sooorry, I meant... Which one will you choose?

May be... Marry both?!

Guido, I am a little surprised. You usually carry yourself with such grace and decorum, but....

A few days ago, I accused someone of being an amplifier polygamist on Whatsbestforum. I am not sure Matt fits that mold. He seems more of a speed dater....
Ah Guido, I can't afford a wife and a mistress. But I want to give both of my lusty wenches the opportunity to settle in and move past the first few dates entering into phase 2, really getting to know to her, or them.

Agear - speed dating sounds fun but has its costs. I do, admittedly, like to taste everything on the buffet table before going back for a big helping of seconds of my few favorites.
Gear, must be the Summer work-stressers getting on to me... Mine was only a very mild encouragement for Matt to consider audiophilic poly-somethingery or rather.... I'll be fully PC again tomorrow *grins!*