AC Power cords, which components 1st...?

I've been lying in the background with regard to upgrading power cords and I'm now thinking that I might give it a try. I fully subscribe to the laws of diminishing returns with the exponential (if not worse) price curves of these products. Therefore, I'd be looking in the $50 - $250 dollar price range. I don't need long cables (3 - 4 ft should work) and that may help the price point. Pre-owned is fine with me as well.
Given that, which components first? power amps, pre-amp, source...? and, any thought on power cord given my predisposition?
Aloia power amps, Casanova pre/pro. Capitole MKII (soon, I hope).
I would buy one and experiment. My experience has proven that it's not possible to predict the benifit to a single component within the system. I know from personal history the BMI Whale is a good fit for the Aloia, and I know the power snakes are very strong with the Casanova. Try the new Python, it is a very good cord. I use all NBS Statement but they will push your budget even used.
Definitely put a low-inductance cord directly to the wall outlet for your power amps first. Also, upgrade the outlet to a 15-amp with no steel in it - only brass. IF you want a really low-resistance connection, use the silver-plated Acme audio outlets.
Thanks all...a lot to consider.
When my dedicated 20 amp lines were installed several years ago I installed standard "hospital grade" outlets. That was before this new buzz/hype with regard to the audio grade outlets. Anyone know what the composition is in the hospital outlets?
I have several audio grade outlets but have not a/b compared them (too much hassle). And I don't really put a lot of stock in them but it's such an inexpensive upgrade it doesn't hurt to have them.

What I have discovered though, is that most any cheap or expensive 20 amp outlet will grasp a plug much tighter than a cheap 15 amp outlet.

My system is not a big investment ca. 8M though a good ammount of time has been dedicated to feed it the best in cost /performance in mind and set up and tweaks have really improved the quality of the sound coming out of it.
As part of this process have dedicated lines and also I have changed PC in my source, preamp amp and the results have helped quite a bit. I´m very satisfied with the where the performance of the system has climbed to.