Advice on using a laser for speaker positioning

Question for you that use lasers for measurement.

Did the laser help considerably? I use a string now and feel it's pretty close, but read and article/post where the laser uncovered some discrepancies in setup.

Just wondering if the investment is justified-

Thanks for your help,

Thanks everybody, sounds like opinions are mixed and the laser may be more useful for rake, angles, etc than for measuring distance.

The redhead will probably have me doing something around the house that will give me an excuse to pick one up and try it. Wish I'd had one during a recent picture hanging frenzy!

Thanks again for your input and advice!
"10-13-15: Uncledemp
Thanks everybody, sounds like opinions are mixed and the laser may be more useful for rake, angles, etc than for measuring distance."

Not so much mixed. Its just a matter of necessity. Your speakers are going to end up in the same place (hopefully), whether your ruler is digital or analog.
Lasers make it easy to set up rake angles and toe in. I use a tape measure for distances. Best of luck
I'll check out the App Store, thanks for the heads up!

I rearranged my listening room and am trying different speaker positions. Currently the speakers are 6-7' apart, which is less than 'normal', and I'm enjoying the change. Any tools that make the experimentation easier and quicker are welcome.

In my opinion, speaker setup can make quite a difference. Probably have cycled some decent speakers through here because I failed to put the effort into positioning.

Thanks again for the thoughtful comments!