Aerial 7T to Dynaudio C2

This may be my last component change for a long time. Curious to hear opinions on going from Aerial 7Ts to Dynaudio C2s. I've heard the C1s, but not the C2s. I thought the C1s were very good. Just looking to go to the next level of clarity, detail, and spacing.
No speaker is great to everyone and the associated equipment/room has a significant impact on what you are hearing. I heard the Magico 3s, Joseph Audio Pearls, and Focal Sopra 2s at RMAF this past October. I understand it was under show conditions, but none of them totally blew me away. There were a couple of speakers at RMAF that I loved, but they were above 50K. In my system the Aerial 7Ts are very, very good and I don't want to make a lateral move.
My plan is to replace my SVS subs with two JL Audio F110s and I've already sold my Bryston BDP2 to replace it with the Aurender N10. 

From everyone who heard the Sopra at RMAF and didn't think they sounded good....they probably didn't sound anything like they should.
They were just shipped from France for the show and were new...with no break-in time.  Shame on Focal for showing a brand new pair of speakers.

I replaced a pair of 1028be2's with Sopra's in December.  They were really disappointing for the first few weeks until they had about 140hrs of continious play time.  Judging from my the time it took to break-in my 1028 speakers, it's gonna take around 400hrs before they show their magic.  Not sure what's going on during break-in, but someone suggested it's not just the drivers but also the capacitors they use in the X-Over that needs a long break-in period.
I understand what you're saying, but maybe those that heard them just don't prefer them. If so, that's fine. No speaker will appeal to everyone. 
That is very true about preference for one brand's sound over another. 
There's no perfect speaker that suits everyones individual taste and their personal hearing acuity.  
Personally, I prefer a highly detailed sound that has a 3 dimensional soundstage with great imaging and lots of depth.  Also, dynamic range and the ability to convey a sense of weight and power in the bass is important.