Aftermarket REL / Neutrik Speakon Cable?

Does anyone know of a manufacturuer of the Neutrik Speakon cable that REL includes with their subwoofers? While I like the sound using the supplied cable I think it would be better if I got a higher quality one. I could probably make my own but I don't know where to get the connector.


Leo, I know exactly what you mean! I purchased a handmade custom cable, with the length I specified, from a guy who sells his custom cables through Tom Unger, Gifted Listener Audio, Centreville, VA. Phone 703-818-8000. I had been using the cable REL supplied for about 2 yrs but the neutrik connection seemed loose and I often had a hum unless I jiggled it around in the Storm III. I mentioned this to Tom, from whom I bought the REL, and he first offered to resolder/terminate the REL cable for me, but when I asked about a better cable he told me about this individual who had his own cable co. in the area and had made several custom cables for other customers who seemed very happy. I got a 12 or 15 ft length (can't remember which), with a new Neutrik and 3 leads terminated in bananas for the speaker terminals on my amp, for $250. The results were absolute FANTASTIC, I could hear more tuneful, detailed, focused bass note immediately upon plugging it in. I scrapped that REL cable and won't even resell it. The custom cable is great and I felt the price very reasonable, esp. since it sounded as if I had vastly upgraded all my speaker cables and interconnects. I can email you a digital pic of the cable if you are interested, and also supply you w/the name of the craftsman and his company if you don't reach Tom Unger.
Good luck, you won't be disappointed.
Sarah Clement
Call Robert Stein at The Cable Company --- --- He can order you a custom XLO brand cable for the REL.
Ditto, Sugarbrie. XLO did a superb job on my custom cable through the Cable Company.