Al Stiefel of RMAF Has Passed Away

Hello All,

As I am sure that some of you have as well, I just received an email stating that Al Stiefel, the force behind the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest has passed away. I just spoke with him yesterday morning.

I am including below the text of the email that I received. If you can, please make a donation to one of Al's charities in his name, and please be sure to honor the request to leave the family alone for the next couple of weeks.

Al's contributions to high end audio are evident to anyone who has attended the show in Denver. It is always a blow when someone in the hobby like this is lost.

Jim Pendleton
Osage Audio Products, LLC

We at Rocky Mountain Audio Fest mourn the sudden loss of co-founder Al Stiefel. A dynamic presence in the industry, Al passed away on January 27, 2009.

In honor of Al's passion for music and audio technology, the 2009 Rocky Mountain Audio Fest will go on as scheduled under the direction of Al's wife, Marjorie Baumert, with guidance from an advisory board, the Colorado Audio Society, and friends. To ensure the stability of this popular and growing event, the hotel, shipper and staff remain the same as in past years.

We understand that Al and Marjorie have touched many lives, but request that expressions of sympathy exclude telephone calls. Office operations will resume in mid-February.

For those many friends in the Colorado area, a memorial open house will be held at the family home from 2-4pm on Saturday, January 31st. There will be no service, but rather this gathering will be a celebration of Al's life.

Memorial gifts in honor of Al Stiefel may be made to:

Swallow Hill Music Association
71 East Yale Avenue
Denver, CO 80210


Center for Hearing & Speech & Language
4280 Hale Parkway
Denver, CO 80220
Hi Slowhand,

I plan to mail a card to this address: Red Rock Audio, 363 Cook Street, Denver, CO 80206. I'm sure the card will make it to Marjorie that way since this is their business address at least.

Al was certainly one of the good guys.

Jim Pendleton
Osage Audio Products, LLC
Wow. This is very sad and a real loss. My thoughts and prayers are with Al's wife and family.

I met Al prior to the first RMAF and and then saw him at all the RMAF's. He was always a gentleman and i really appreciated his efforts on behalf of the audiophile community.

I also loved his amps.

The last couple of years i asked him about how he was doing keeping up with the crazyness of what the RMAF had become and he said he was with lots of help and it was still fun.

He will be missed. There was (and hopefully there will continue to be) a special feeling of the audiophile community at RMAF and Al had much to do with that.
I received an email from Brian Ackerman and one of the reviewers at Dagogo telling me this news.

This crushes me, I loved Al and Margie, great people in every way. Al was one of those larger than life people who's personality was so powerful, I though he would always be here.

Reading this news reminds me of how fragile life is and how we should all appreciate the friends and loved ones we know and take for granted on a daily basis.
Al and Marjorie have always been special to me. I've always been grateful for their work on RMAF. I was really shocked and saddened when I saw the announcement this afternoon. All the Best to you, Al!
This is very sad news and Al will be missed by all. I first met Al via Audiogon. I bought the Vibraplane he listed when he first ordered the Walket TT. He found that I lived only a few miles away from him and he offered to help me get it to my house and set up. He was the first person to let me know about the Colorado Audio Society through which I have had the opportunity to make many audio friends. My heart goes out to Marjorie and the rest of the family during this difficult time.