Am I using the right speaker cables?

I am seeking some advice.

My system just does not sound like it has enough bass.

I am using:

Speakers Kef 207/2 

Pre amp: Gat Conrad Johnson

Amplifier: Conrad Johnson 350SA

Phono: Conrad Johnson TEA2 MAXHG

Turntable: Kuzma with EMT JSD P6 cartridge, turntable arm Kuzma point 4, 9'

Interconnects: Harmonic Technology Magic Link III

Power cables: Nordost red dawn on phono amp
                        Analysis Plus Pro power oval on Gat CJ
                        Analysis plus pro power oval on turntable power ac source (kumza)
                        CJ amp original cable 20 amp

Speaker cables: Nordost Frey 2 - 4 meters.

How do I get my system to sound a bit more bassier

GoldenEar speakers... VERY deep, adjustable bass response, especially with electronic drum and bass.....and I have a big room.
No.Look at Furutech or Purist this will give you better detail,air and bass.Good luck though.
Do you really think speaker cables are the answer? Do you really think the addition of a different cable will give you that aha moment?
@devilboy The thread topic is “Am I using the right speaker cables”. That said, imho you get good bass primarily from your speakers, followed by amps, a/c power, speaker cables and isolation. So you can get a gain from a change in cables. It just won’t be as big a gain as a change of speakers for example.
@melbguyone ok, I agree with your statement.
Cables ARE tone controls so it may work.
I just hope no one says that the OP needs to find cables that "get out of the way of the music". That’s BS. Yes, cables sound different but only because they all do something to the signal, manipulating it to give more of this or less of that.

If the OP finds a cable that adds more bass it would be incremental IMO, not a significant leap.