amp for vandersteen Quatro maybe vandersteen 5a

After listening to v. Quatro have decide to go with this speaker. Need help on choosing amp and pre amp.Thanks

I have heard these speakers on several occasions. Solid-state or Tubed, it is up to you- whichever way you go, get out there and listen, listen and listen to the offerings from Aesthetix, ARC or Ayre.

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I have 5A carbon and use ARC Reference 250s. You can buy a used Ref 75 which will match very well with quarto or even Ref 110 .
I have the Treos and am about to upgrade to Quatro CT's. I just got an Ayre AX5/20...

Like folks said,

Most any great neutral amp will work wonderfully, but these are what he uses to show them at shows much of the time.