amp/speaker question

I have B&W 805N, Velodyne sub, and Jolida 502B in my bedroom system. These speakers have always sounded too bright with SS. This is my first tube amp and I am amazed at how good they sound with tubes. The problem is the Jolida is just not up to the task of powering these speakers. My dilemma is whether to buy a more powerful tube amp or more efficient speakers. I do not want to spend a ton of dough on a bedroom system, even though I do use it quite a bit. I am pretty sure powerful tube amps are quite expensive, but so are good monitor speakers. If I could bump up the volume about 20 percent and keep the same sound I have now it would be perfect. I listen to a lot of acoustic music. I would like to keep the cost to around 1000.00 used. So, new speakers or amp? Thanks for your help.
Oh yeah,I'm sure the mac would be awesome. Way more than the 1000 I would like to spend though. Jeez, even the Jolida 1000 is more than that.
Going to the Silverline Prelude is very tempting. I currently own 10 B&W speakers. It may be time for me to color outside the lines a bit.
Why not bi-amp? Use a beefy solid state for the bottom. Shouldn't be more than $400 or so.
Seditious.....thanks for the advice. I really need to increase overall volume......the bottom end is handled by the sub. When I had these speakers driven by a large Classe SS amp the bottom was not impressive. That is why I added a sub. I am thinking I will listen to the Silverline's if I can find a pair to demo. If I still like B&W best, I will look for a beefier tube amp. Jolida is right down the street from me. (Jessup, MD)I may haul my speakers over there and see how they sound with the Jolida 100 watt tube amp. Still searching for the answer.
Ok, I had to add a follow up to this thread because I don't want anyone thinking the Jolida 502 B does not deliver. It does! Until today, my only source for this system was digital music from a Comcast Motorola box. I added a Denon CDP and the volume went up a good 30 percent. Apparently a voltage mis match between Jolida and Comcast. Now the 60 watt Jolida drives the 805N speakers as loud as I would ever care to listen. Of course much better sound overall with the CDP anyway. I realize it was a big mistake not mentioning the source in the first place. ( a rookie error) Sorry 'bout that to all of those who responded.....and thanks again for your help.
Baffled, great to hear. I have the same problem with trying to listen to TV throught the Comcast box. If you know of a way to get the Comcast box to be louder I would love to know how. Phil Brady.