Amp stands- Do they work?

I recently purchased a Pass Aleph 3 and loved it so much that I "had to buy" a pair of the Aleph 2 monoblocks. I have been A/B-ing them at my home for the last 3 weeks for most of my free time. The 2s have a lot more presence, but lack the for lack of better words "musical reality" the 3 has. Forgive me for the term, but if you've heard the 3, then you probably understand. Anyway, I have asked most of the guys at Pass Labs and they essentially tell me I am hearing things- that the 2s "have all the sonic characteristics of the 3, just more of it" I have eliminated all other variables except that the 3 is on the bottom of my rack (Salamander Archetype), and the 2's are on the carpet in front of my system. I am interested in anyone's input as to the impact a reasonable stand might have on the sonics of my amps. I currently am acting on this hypothesis and have put the 3 on the floor next to the 2's. If it is of any help the components are in order- my source is a Muse Model 5 transport, Illuminati D-60 digital, EAD 7000 MkIII D/A, Kimber KCAG, Muse Model 3 preamp, WBT 5151 -great cable!!!!!, Pass Amps, Nordost Red Dawn speaker cable, B&W 804s. Counterpoint PAC-5 conditioner, API Power Wedge 4A conditioner. Marigo RMX ref power cables. Amps are using stock power cables- Nelson Pass's recommendation. Thanks for listening and I look forward to any input.
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I rather suspect Nanderson will quit while he/she is yet to go around far enough to disappear up where the light does not shine. I too am interested in the way his amp is set up. But I am even more interested to discover the "correct criteria" that we should all be using so that "double blind testing can tell what will work over the long term". Unlike Garfish, I am quite happy to shorten the journey and just groove to the music. Enlighten me Nanderson.
Heh? Redkiwi, While the light does not shine? A strong intellectual argument does not wwf approaches to being heard. Be calm....state your reproducible case. I will respond then.
This is most intriguing. I’m a Zen man with live music experience both performing and composing. In my house, we have a Piano, a Flute, a Clarinet and two Guitars. I’ve had audiophile hobby/decease for about five years and just about coming out of it. Here are some of my own observations: 1) Definition for “Musical” is different for every person and time. I enjoy 2-am music and have a twenty-four years old son. 2) In order to evaluate amp and up stream gear, I needed to get rid of speakers and speaker cables (evaluation time only). I have a Stax Headphone, which connects to amp’s output post that you can borrow. 3) I have ten LPs on one particular music and I enjoy them all in different time. But only one has all the right stuff. 4) I can enjoy good CD and LP on mid-fi or low-fi gear, but I can’t enjoy bad CD and LP on hi-fi gear. 5) A lot of my favorite LPs are older than my son and they helped me a lot to evaluate audio gears. 6) Pass Aleph 3 took only one audition where Mesa Tigris took two years of audition. 7) As strong bass note hit my body it hits my audio gears too. 8) If it is not on the CD/LP/TAPE it will not come out of the speakers. However, I could add my own imagination (distortion) at will. 9) Most of great composers were lousy singers. To me, software and speakers are most important part of audio system. 9) It is a hobby after all and was part of my journey and gave me a lot of joy along with frustration. 10) I’m now using tube amp in the winter and class D SS amp in the summer to save trees. In LA, we only have winter and summer. 11) Every small change to the system makes difference. Same system, different time or company (change), different sound (emotional impact). 12) We are uniquely individual and different. It is your way that counts. 13) The experience makes knowledge real. SK
Hi Nanderson. I did not mean to offend you and was merely agreeing with Mikela's observation that your arguments were contradictory. But I must admit my language reflected the fact that I was just a bit ticked by the condescention in your post "kind of amusing really". Your attempted put-down offends me and, I suspect, everyone who posts here. What is interesting is you continue to deflect direct questions that are very germane to your argument. You are confirming my suspicion that these "correct criteria" you claim to use will not be revealed.
Here are some suggestions: Step 1 of the reproducible criteria would be to see how individual pulse tones throughout the freq spec and pink and white noise are affected by change in system from various positions in listening room. Low freq pulse tones below 60 hz at relatively loud to check for inference with vibrations. (Dunlevy states that accuracy can be easily measured and that a lot of this critical listening for extended periods does exactly what I say it does. Of course Dunlevy uses wave form analysis to do this rather than just relying on the human ear). Step 2: use a common set of reference software LP/CD/SACD etc to evaluate what you consider to be the dominate types of music you listen to and what elements of musicality you find the most desirable. It is important that you are made unaware of when the system change has been made (changes made while you are out of the room. You listen blind folded with lights out.) As important to all of this is get a hearing test and find out where you are at. I have long suggested that Stereophile post the hearing tests of its reviewers (e.g., if they are 20 db down in a critical areas of the freq spectrum they should state this. Think about how this could weigh you thoughts on some ones evaluation. Anyone can insist they are hearing or not hearing things but this would help put a quantitative light on the subject and likely help you take some critiques with a grain of salt. Hint: Check the age of the reviewers. This is not to say you can not get musical enjoyment with dimenished hearing but that your perspection will change as your hearing fades and fades away. We should know this information!!)