Amp with best bass control

Which solid state amp(s) have you heard demonstrate the best bass control? I'm not talking "go the lowest", I'm talking "tight tight - super tight grip on the bass". I'm talking "fast" as well. The proverbial Kung-Fu Grip!

Thanks all!

That's hilarious, This is Mbovaird's thread!, He is the op! melby, we all said the Boulder is good, there are alot better amps than my Krell 700cx and a boulder 1060, or any other Boulder amp! Mbovaird's preference with solid state amps is what it is!, You should be proud, He mentioned Vitus amps!, I know you are A vitus fan!, I would like to hear a vitus amp, never heard one, so I cannot comment on the vitus period! we are not tring to be mean to you!, you put us in a defensive mode here!, nobody enjoys that, I know deep down, you do not enjoy negative words to each other, please, lets all get along Melby!, No matter how much of a well seasoned Audiophile you are, people will like what they like!, an example of what i am talking about is, I do not prefer the sound of Thiel speakers, does not mean that they are not good, Just not my flavor, the same thing can be said about the Boulder amps, The Boulder amps are just not Mbovaird's flavor of sound, that certainly does not mean they are not good! we should never take preferences to the point of saying Hateful words to each other, the funny thing is, we all could start talking about that vitus amp, and we all would be best of friends again!, cheers Melbguy1.
I think you know very well Audiolabyrinth I have been subject to various malicious, almost insane attacks on my amplifiers (including in my review of the Boulder 1060), so it's a bit rich to be calling me on that now. Everyone has limits, and mine have been pushed to braking point. Understand there is a cause and effect. I still believe Mbovaird comments were subjectively biased and a disservice to anyone considering Boulder products, because Mbovaird has not spent hundreds of hours researching Boulder products, reading reviews, technical white papers, first hand factory tours and getting to know the designers of their products like I have.

That said, i'm prepared to let bygons be bygons. Yes I have listened to almost every Vitus amp and like them alot. Yes I have also listened to Soulution, Dartzeel, Rowland, Boulder 800 & 1000 series, CH Precision, Audia Flight, Aesthetix, Ayon, Modwright, Bladelius and many others. One day, when I eventually post a virtual thread on this forum, I will paint a clear picture.
Yes. Peace boys. It's all great stuff. Pick your favorite flavor of ice cream and move on. There are no winners or losers. Just different flavors. Different strokes for different folks.
Boulder shmoulder! My TNT200's 'll blow all those light-weights out of the water. Heck, the name alone'll send em packing! Heck, I'll even put my Mike Bettinger-built GAS500 up against them! Heck, I'll...I'll..I'll think of somethin. And just to show there's no hard feelings, I'll even plug yours in!