Amplification Suggestions for Legacy Whispers???

Just purchased a pair of Whispers...time to upgrade amplification. Having read several treatises on 4 ohm vs. 8 ohm loads (Whispers are rated at 4 ohm nominal), I believe I should lean towards high current, SS amps. Please weigh in 'o knowledgable ones.
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Seems to me that a pair of Parasound JC-1s would be worth auditioning with your Whispers.

A friend of mine uses the almost legnendary Krell KSA 250 with incredible results on his Legacy Focus speakers. I believe you could find two KSA-250s and vertically biamp which would give you awesome sound, plus heat your home in the winter!
I used a Mcintosh 352 with my Whispers. Great sound very natural with no fatigue over long periods.