Amplifier Weight. A Factor?

With majority of the good high-end amplifiers exceeding 100lb, it is actually painful to move them. So, here are questions to all.
Is amplifier’s weight a factor in your amplifier selection?
If you own heavy weight amps (i.e. Krell FPB600/180lb, Levinson 33/365 lb), how do you handle them without scratch?

I think unsound said it best. My Burson's casework is the heatsink so its a little heavier than its size would indicate but not by much compared to others.
Having been around great lightweight components and lousy heavy ones, I find the idea of weight translating to quality has tremendous potential to mislead.

One thing that hasn't been mentioned here is that as much or more than anything else, the chassis factors into the weight equation. If you really want to ace this test, simply use steel rather than aluminum; the thicker, the better. Let's also not forget a steel chassis costs less.

So many of these overwrought, uberexpensive boxes of today have no capability of adding much, if anything, to sonics or build quality.
Ckoffend- Me thinks you are way off on that. My Berkeley Alpha DAC can be picked up in one hand, carefully, and sounds fine enough that I do not want for another (rare). Having said that, my amp weighs 180lbs and I hate that about it. I'm in the process of looking at amps and strongly consider this as I narrow the list. Heading for 50 and joints worn down from years of hoops....I can do 100lbs if I LOVE the amp but damn, no more! Spectral, which I am near certain will be the next amp, are about 65-70lbs and to my ears out perform many of the back breaking ball crushers. Actually, to my ears they out perform damn near everything but thats another thread! Now, if you don't mind, I need to go ice my groin after moving the Krell.....