Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
I think the only amps that we keep for life are the ones that we are emotionally attached to or cost too much to sell at the devalued resale price!

My Heathkit UA2s are for life.
My "keeper for life" amplifiers are the next amplifiers that I am going to buy. For now I am using Supratek Malbec. I am still looking for that perfect sound.

This addiction will never stop.
My keeper for life is my Pass Labs X350.5. I am very happy with it and see no reason to upgrade until a new breakthrough in amplifier design. Long live Super-Symetry.
My Keepers

Musical Fidelity KW -500 ( 2 piece integrated 510wpc )
Redgum Audio RGI -120enr (integrated 215wpc into 8ohm )
A.M.Audio PA-100 (Integrated 100wpc running class A 1st 5w)
love all 3 of these .
Wow. High praise for the Redgum if it is in a list with the kWs. Love love love my kW preamp.