Amps and Quatros

I have a pair of Vandersteen Quatro speakers. I attended the Iraqi Mountain Audio Fest this weekend and heard several amplifiers that I liked, but I am having a hard time deciding what to get. Your help is appreciated.

I am considering Quicksilver V4, Manly Labs Snapper,mono blocking a pair of Blue Circle BC22s; pay McCormack 500; Cary V12 and perhaps Jolida.

Please also recommend a preamp. I MUST HAVE an XLR connection from the preamp to the amp because of the high pass filters on the Quatro's.

My room is 12 x 24 and acoustically treated. I use the equipment for home theater as well as music. I listen at levels between 75 and 85 dB. My music choice is quite varied: from Johnny Cash to Jethro Tull.

I appreciate your feedback.
I heard the Quatro's with the Quicksilver at a dealer's a couple weeks ago, very nice combo.
Thank you for the correction. As a native and resident of the ROCKY MTN region we have no semblance to Iraq. I was ta the show and thought that the Ayre Mono's sounded great with the Quattros. I have also heard them with the V1 Ayre and had no complaints. Didn't like them with bryston though, thought they sounded a little harsh. Great speaker though. As far as the Iraqi Mtn AF, I quess they are selling a special audiophile sand that adds more bass to speaker stands. Jeez I hope that doesn't start going up in price now.
I can't believe I sent the post that way and there's no way to recall it. camels as acoustic treatments... interesting.

Okay, here is an update. I bought a Calypso preamp today. I am thinking of going tube preamp with a solid state amplifier. Good idea?

And Phil, I heard Akash and also Ahhsheet Mimeestak. Excellent combo!
Congrats on the Calypso, it is a fine preamp. Tube preamps with SS amps are a popular combination. I would check out the McCormack 500 that you've previously mentioned, as well as the Ayre V-1xe or MX-R mono's that Theo mentioned.
You may also want to give the Pass X-350.5 a listen.

If you would consider a single ended amp, you may enjoy the music through a Conrad Johnson Premier 350.

Happy hunting,
All the Pass Labs .5 series sound close. Only the bass is slightly different(as well as power) but, sonically they are very close. Since your Quatros have a bass amp powering anything under 100Hz then just about any Pass will do.If I were to go solid state with your options that you've listed I would go Pass 100%. Ayre is too light,DNA 500 is too soft and muddy in the bass, so is the CJ Premier 350A,etc. The Pass is the real deal.If I could not go for the Pass the next would be a Sim Audio W-5 LE. The Pass has just the right amount of everything whereas the Sim is just a touch dryer but it has tight bass and upper extension that the others don't have. If I were to go tubes( I know you didn't mention this one) I'd go with a Music Reference. Either a RM 9 or RM 200. If the money isn't an issue then I would recommend an ARC VT 100 MK III or a Reference 110.