Analog Upgrade Suggestions Welcome

I am thinking of making several upgrades to my current analog rig.

Current system: click here

First, I am thinking of upgrading my VPI HW19 MKIII to the MKIV. I would like those with first hand experience to tell me if the upgrade is worth the money, and what I can expect to hear in improvement. I am currently using the SDS and SAMA modifications.

Second, I am thinking of upgrading my cartridge. My Sumiko Talisman Alchemist IIb is almost 15 years old and is ready for retirement. Some A'goNers have recommended the Shelter 501. I didn't want to spend more than $1000 for a cartidge as the majority of my listening is still redbook CD. I am open to other suggestions. I want the best cartridge for the money. Also, I am leary of buying such a fragile item used. I have heard others on A'goN say they'd never buy a used cartridge. Please share any experiences out there; good or bad.

My current cartridge has an output of 2.0mV which I assume means high output. Will I need a step-up transformer for a low output cartridge? Is the Shelter 501 at 0.4 mV considered low output? My Classe Six preamp has a phono section. The preamp comes with resistors that the user can change out to match the volume control knob position to the level of line components. I assume I'd need to change the resistor I'm using with my current cartridge. Otherwise I'd have to turn the knob way up to get enough gain with a cartridge with an output that's 1/5 that of my current cartridge. Is that correct?

Thank you all for your help and suggestions.


I did the the III to IV and also own a 309. Even w/ occasional use, 15 yrs is quite a long time. Um, have the headshell lead connections been cleaned during that time? --grin--

Cart is a Clearaudio V. Wood, not tweaky weird about setup, reasonably tough and durable - within limits.

I've eliminated the word 'best' from my audio vocab, and for carts, buy to a price point, and maybe occasionally sneak a peek at a review. Nearly impossible, AFAIK, to borrow and audition a cart, let alone buy one w/ a MBG.

The III to IV jump is an OK improvement, but certainly is not cheap. No experience w/ the SDS. Actually, record cleaning effort and procedures are producing nearly the same improvements...
Raul has yet to discover the courage within himself to trust anything beyond himself. I hope someday he will.



You really need to address some *issues*. Estás patinando en seco...

Dear 4yanx: I don't know why you are losting my time with this garbage. I don't know, too, which is your audio system
but if you are asking then you have that cartridge, I only say this: where are the extremes?
Regards and enjoy the music.
What, Raul? You said the 103R was a garbage cartridge. I asked you nicely what your impressions are that would make you say that when many others have said they like its performance. I'm not sure I've ever read ANYONE else who said it was bad. Wondering why you think so. What possible difference could it make what MY ssytem consists of when asking you to discuss your impressions of the 103R. If all that's wasting your time, well, you won't find me feeling sorry for you. Once again you are being not only arbitrary, but rude, too.