Analog Upgrade Suggestions Welcome

I am thinking of making several upgrades to my current analog rig.

Current system: click here

First, I am thinking of upgrading my VPI HW19 MKIII to the MKIV. I would like those with first hand experience to tell me if the upgrade is worth the money, and what I can expect to hear in improvement. I am currently using the SDS and SAMA modifications.

Second, I am thinking of upgrading my cartridge. My Sumiko Talisman Alchemist IIb is almost 15 years old and is ready for retirement. Some A'goNers have recommended the Shelter 501. I didn't want to spend more than $1000 for a cartidge as the majority of my listening is still redbook CD. I am open to other suggestions. I want the best cartridge for the money. Also, I am leary of buying such a fragile item used. I have heard others on A'goN say they'd never buy a used cartridge. Please share any experiences out there; good or bad.

My current cartridge has an output of 2.0mV which I assume means high output. Will I need a step-up transformer for a low output cartridge? Is the Shelter 501 at 0.4 mV considered low output? My Classe Six preamp has a phono section. The preamp comes with resistors that the user can change out to match the volume control knob position to the level of line components. I assume I'd need to change the resistor I'm using with my current cartridge. Otherwise I'd have to turn the knob way up to get enough gain with a cartridge with an output that's 1/5 that of my current cartridge. Is that correct?

Thank you all for your help and suggestions.


It is quite nice of you to try to see the positive side of Raul's behavior.
What I think you may be missing here is the long history of his rudeness and mean spirited statement.
Please read through all of Raul's comments on all of his threads and in their entirety and you might sing a different tune.
Cello, I apprciate your response. But I think you inadvertently did something that contributes to a lot of the discord on this site. You assumed that I am not familiar with Rauls' previous comments. Sometimes Raul deserves to be slammed. A fact that I previoulsy alluded on this site in a different thread.(Do hsopital grade ac outlets make a difference?). I also think the person who thought it was his place to tell me "to go away" was way out of line. Moreover, imediately prior to making my post I scanned Rauls' comments. I can certainly see why he is on the hot seat, I still beleive that he should be allowed to post his opinion. People can take it for what it is worth. Or ignore it all together.
Or ignore it all together.

Which is likely what we should do as a matter of course, as difficult as it may be sometimes. I suspect that Raul loves nothing more than the attention and the reactions.
Cello: The next post was your answer with any reason ( like your attack in this thread ). You post it only for attacking and for no other reason, your last sentence speak a lot of who you are.
" I was there (with Doug) and the difference in the Schroeder was obvious and easy to hear. One would not need much more than listening to a few minutes of different types of music to be able to discern that the Schroeder was head and shoulders above and in another universe than the other tonearms.
I suggest you read more and talk less and spare us your wisdom for a while.

Ahhhh... now I feel better.""".


*****" do really know what are you talking about ?, I think you are an " inexpert " in this area, too.
Please try to learn about. Where do you left " the book ".*****

Here I explain this behavior: Doug ( like TWL ) is a very active member on this forum and always is trying to help in differents areas of audio. I think that for everyone that are so " active " the best is that that people ( Doug ) try to have always the " card at hand " ( know-how of what is talking about ) to really help to the people that is loking for an answer.
On the subject of his 803 speakers ( like I put on my answer ) a few months ago ( in another thread ) another member and I explain to Doug why he ( and his friend ) can't hear a 16Hz frecuency ( it was not 20Hz ) in his audio system and that the frecuency response ( in room ) of his speakers start maybe at 50Hz. Now, he insist first: " flat response " and second:" +,- 4db at 34Hz ". ( Doug: the Nautilus 800 is 37 +,- 2db at Lab ). Don't you think he have to learn about?, beacuse he is doing statements on that wrong information.

I think that many of us in this forum want that the forum go to " growing up " and one of the target is to give answers that have not only quality but that are based on true facts and not " illusions ". The people, like Doug, that are very active in this forum have a serious responsibility with all the forum members ( at least this is the way I look ) and they have to take it with a real know-how every time they " shot " ( live experience ).
Now, if you think that everyone in this forum ( Doug, TWL, Rusthon, ,...) can post " only for post ", with any care of what is posting then ask you: what kind of forum will be Audiogon? or which kind of forum do you want or do you deserve?.

I'm here and I will continue to post here because everyone of us can learn many things on what we really care and love:
" accurate music reproduction through ours home audio systems ".

Regards and always enjoy the music.

Your posts of pertinent information can be helpful. Your personal attacks are not. Keep posting pertinent information or posing reasonably phrased questions that invite dialog, and I have no quibble with your participation. That has consistently been my point. You've consistently missed that point in your effort to disparage and belittle others.

I do note that the last several posts I've seen from you have not included personally derogatory or disparaging remarks. I welcome this and hope it continues.