Anthem AVM2 or B K Reference 30

Can anybody share their experiences with any of this two pre/pros. I'm more interested with their Home Theater performance and upgradability (DVD-AUDIO,24/192). I don't care much about their two channel performance as I have a seperate system for that. Every input is appreciated.
Well, I have not heard the Anthem AVM2, but I own a Ref 20 and listen to a Ref 30 the other day, and B&K did a lot of things right with the Ref 30. And it is 1 hell of a performer. Now I do know the Ref 30 is a total new redesign, so upgradability should not be a issue, as it is with the Ref20.
I have an AVM2 on the way. I was able to demo the unit with some B&W N803's which I will be acquiring in the near future. I was extremely pleased with the sound. I considered the B&K but was very concerned about reports of a popping noise when changing inputs. One of my friends has the Ref 20 and has this problem. I also encountered this problem during a demo of the B&K AVR307 which is essentially a Ref 30 and amp in the same box. I know I would find this very bothersome. However, I do believe that the B&K has better bass management capabilities. I would strongly suggest listening to both units (if at all possible).

Good Luck
I have a B&K 3090 processer (the predecessor to the REF 20)
It does lose the digital lock if I pause an AC3 or DTS DVD for more than 30 seconds.. Then it does pop when I resume the disc. This only happens when the display defaults to PRO-Logic. I have learned to turn down the volume when I pause the disc for more than 30 seconds.
I don't know if this annoyance has been cleared up on the REF 30, if it has, I want one! The bass management is much more sophisticated in the REF 30! It is essentially a multiple frequency bass notch filter now, allowing you to adjust for bass bumps in your room.
I have the AVM2. It is fantastic! It is connected to Paradigm Referance Active 40s, center, surrounds and 15" sub. This combination is the best home theater I have ever heard and is also great for music only. You can select the inviroment you want to listen in: none, club, theater, church, stadium etc.
Thanks a lot for the response guys.
I was told that the popping noise on the B&K ref 20 was on the earlier versions only. I made my decision and ordered the Reference 30, the base management and the ability to upgrade sealed my decision.