Anthem processors: AVM20 v. AVM30 v. D1

I am building a new system from scratch for HT and music and have liked what I've read about the Anthem processors. While I can afford to buy the D1, I also don't like paying a lot more for marginal improvements, and from what I've read, the AVM20 with upgrades is so good that upgrading buys some improvement but there isn't a lot of room to improve.

For those of you who have owned or used the Anthems, how do you evaluate the enhancements compared to the added costs, both in 2-channel and HT? What does an upgraded AVM20 used go for and how much more might I pay for the 30 or the D1? Would it be wisest to get the 20 and if I want to upgrade wait until the D1 is replaced and becomes more widely available used?

As an aside, I'm pretty set on getting a DD Velodyne as the sub while my choice in speakers is still wide open (I need to foind more time to listen to speakers).

Also, any suggestions for mating the Anthem pre's to an amplifier?

Thanks for your suggestions.
Macdadtexas - Thanks for sharing your experience. I'd love to try the Maggies but I have a two-year-old son who no doubt would try to stick his hand through them. Do you have any sense of the price difference between the AVM20 and AVM30?
Jonsher; I see I wasn't that clear---So the long version might be: If your speakers and amps are just so,so--a million dollar processor won't be doing what it is capable of --sound-wise. Believe me I have anything against the Anthem--- Just so we all know there is better;----Then 'better' requires quality amps and quality speakers.---Not that much different than 2ch.
This is just a good general rule. You wouldn't use the CJ Art2 with Bose speakers and a $300 amp.---Ok ,yes, I'm pushing the limit to make my point.
I have owned the AVM-20 v2 (along with a Rotel 1068, and an Parasound AVC-2500) and traded up to the D-1, which I currently own. While there is a point of diminishing returns, I am very happy with my decision. While some of the feature sets are similar there are some that set the D-1 apart. I think the right processor for you will depend on what speakers you plan to pair it with. If you have full range (or at least go lower than 80 hz (THX standard)) for fron and rear, you will hear a benefit from the D-1.

The major difference is the D-1 had 24 bit/192 kHz DAC's on all channels which for me was the major benefit. I had my CD players going into a Musical Fidelity A 3.24 into the AVM-20, and straight into the D-1 beats it for me. The D-1 is airier and more detailed. So if you listen to a lot of music, the D-1 could be worth the extra $$.

The D-1 has dual digital processors, which doesn't make a huge difference at this time, but will when the new Hi-Def audio formats come out, and makes it more future proof.

The upgrade for the D-1 will also include a video scaler, which won't be in the AVM-20 or 30 upgrade packages.

Either way I think that anthem is a great way to go. They continue to have free software updates, and support their products for years. The bass management is far superior on the Anthem processors compared to the other models I have tried. I have never heard the Parasound C-1 or C-2 though.

Hope that helps,
In the last 2 years I have had: NAD T762, used as a premap for the front end, B & K Ref 50, Rotel 1098, Parasound Halo C2 (great processor), then finally the Anthem. I am sticking with the Anthem. As I said, my dealer let me test drive the D1 and I couldn't justify the upgrade with the equipment I had at the time (funny, but I am in process of going back to the same speaker set up). That doesn't mean it's not right for you. I think they are both great, great processors, and I am now a bigger fan of Anthem than Parasound even, if that is possible. The support personnel are fantastic. They are big audio nuts themselves, and not arrogant about it. They are more excited about the upgrades coming than anyone. Great company. Go ahead, if you can afford it, buy the D1, you won't be sorry.