ANTI-CABLES by Paul Speltz: Anyone Using Them?

I find myself intrigued the Speltz speaker-cable option, in part because the prices are like zero when compared to most speaker cables, but I wouldn't mind reading reactions beyond those he includes in his ads and on his web site.

Low-power tube amp to single-driver speakers
sorry, i did miss that fact in my post. a reasonable premium, perhaps, but crimp on spades will set you back less than $10 for 4, and the wire and heat shrink are dirt cheap as well. for about 15 minutes of effort you can still save a bundle. same goes with "cable lifters", the primary pin insulators that sell for $3.50 each and are on most telephone poles. these regularly sell for $160 for a set of 8. amazing what clever marketing hype will do. i don't begrudge anyone for making a living, but some of the markup on common items that are being sold as high end tweaks is just ridiculous and needs to be exposed.
I am using Ayre K1xe preamp, C1xe Universal player, V1xe amp, and Vandersteen 5A speakers - Anti cable interconnects throughout, and speaker cables bi-wired. I originally braided the spk cables and they sounded great. I had them in the system for months - satisfied. I read something on the internet that unbraided wire is much better (Nordost, etc). I unbraided the Anti-Cable spkr wire, and BOY was that a change for the better. Much more solid and difined lows, bigger picture, Much greater definition in the mids, sparkling highs. There was just a very slight "hardness" that went away after the unbraiding - it took a few days. The amp sounds much more powerful too. Recommendation is Do Not Braid.
I just picked up a set of the Speltz IC's. Compared them to a DIY set of Jon Risch 89259/89248 twisted pair (unshielded). They didn't come close in the mids and top end.

However, I am using them to feed signal to my bass amp, which was too loud for my tube amp in a bi-amping situation. The Speltz cables muted it down a bit making the balance better. I'm using it this way until I can build a passive volume attenuator to better control the balance.

Does this really sound like a good, transparent cable to you? Me neither.

Bob, when you unbraided them, how closely were the two wires spaced?