Any Ayon CD5 owner with problem output..?..& 128531;

This is my third year expérience with my AYON cd 5 ... i bought this cd new in the box from belgium distributer..i CAN no longer get in touch with him ..apparently he is not any more distributor...
Last year i had the left output Level damaged i got in touch with the manufacturer in austria And i had to Hand it to France distributer to have it cost me more than1000$...including shipping fee...i got it Back last febriery 2014.the manufacturer said they replaced a new converter. Six month later...surprise....
...i am having the same problem but this Time the right Chanel output Level...!!..i honestly don't know what to do
Anyone of you had the same problem...please let me know..Will appreciate.chahed
Actualy the right Level output Level of my cd5 is lower at least from 2 to 3db compèred to the left output Level And it did start like that when i had the first problem before sending it to austria to have it repeared ..,
I owned a Ayon Triton 1 integrated amp.
The problem I had was the springs inside
the tube sockets came loose and caused contact
problems. The dealer blamed me for causing the
problem. I have been changing out tubes since
I was ten years old so that's over 50 years without
problems of that sort. It took months to get the unit
back from warranty repair. So I sold it and bought a
Modwright LS100 tube preamp and a KWA 150 SE amp which
out performs the Ayon by a large margin. I would never
buy from USA tube again!
Good move on the Modwright amps Elliotdrum, they're very musical amps.