Any cable suggestions for my Thiel 2.4's?

I'm looking for the best IC,power cables and speaker cables for my Thiel 2.4's. Can aynbody give me their suggestions?
No problem. Other cables I've had in my system seem to impart a "perspective" to the performance in terms of sound staging and this holds true from recording to recording. In other words, with one brand of cables my system can sound forward, while another imparts a back row perspective, while yet another sounds more mid-hall. This effect has always held true from recording to recording with specific brands of of cables. Sound staging, layering, image height, ect are all aspects of phase information.

Now that my system is all SR Tesla I hear some recordings that are front and center while others layer deep behind my speakers, behind the rear wall, out side the boundaries of my speakers, sometimes my side walls, and on exceptional recordings, all of the above. I have never heard cables that are as dimensional in my system as the Tesla cables nor have I heard cables that change perspective so dramatically from recording to recording. Thsi is why I conclude Tesla cables are phase accurate.
Shelie, with all due respect, I find your assertions to be limited in scope, and your "conclusions" presumptious.
"I find your assertions to be limited in scope, and your "conclusions" presumptious".

Can you substantiate this claim? After all you asked for the "why" of my statement, and with all due respect, you attacked me, not my conclusions.
Shellie, not trying to gang up on you but you did make an absolute statement that is awfully hard to justify.

Back on subject, as you can see hififan lots of cables work with Thiels - it will eventually come down to your personal preference. There is no best cable but hundreds of choices.