Any cable suggestions for my Thiel 2.4's?

I'm looking for the best IC,power cables and speaker cables for my Thiel 2.4's. Can aynbody give me their suggestions?
"I find your assertions to be limited in scope, and your "conclusions" presumptious".

Can you substantiate this claim? After all you asked for the "why" of my statement, and with all due respect, you attacked me, not my conclusions.
Shellie, not trying to gang up on you but you did make an absolute statement that is awfully hard to justify.

Back on subject, as you can see hififan lots of cables work with Thiels - it will eventually come down to your personal preference. There is no best cable but hundreds of choices.
Hey Pops,
I am not trying to start a flame war but my statement is based on my experience with SR Tesla cables and several other brands. As I stated, they image like nothing else I have ever heard in my system. If anyone can offer another explanation as to why these cables are so holographic I'm all ears.

I also agree there are many fine cables out there so it's important to audition different cables before making a final decision. That's what I did.
I get it Shellie, at least you've heard in your system and have first hand experience to back up your claims and I respect that. I'm only saying there is no such thing as best cable unless you tried every cable on the market, and even then take measurements out, there still has to be some degree of subjectivity. No flames intended on this end.
Shellie, I meant you no insult. I think Pops has expressed my sentiments perfectly.