any cheap DAC for my Airport Express?

i am looking for a cheap DAC for my future stereo setup:
powerbook-->airport express(digital out)---> A CHEAP DAC----->sonic t-amp--->speakers(moniter audio bronze s2, or maybe b&w 602)

is there anything below $200? new or used, and i am mostly a classical music listner.

thank you.
You should also be on the lookout for a used Assemblage DAC 2. . .this was the piece of gear that got me started in high end (and still resides in one of my systems, being fed by a 5 disc carousel and yes, an Airport Express).
I'm somewhat confused. Why do you need a DAC? I have an airport extreme connected to my iMac that acts as my broadcast router. Then, I have airport express at each amp/receiver (three in the house) that plugs in to either a digital or analogue input.
Bndtracey, if your amp/receivers accept direct digital input (and I assume that to be the case based on your comment), then you are correct--a DAC is not only not necessary, but would probably introduce some more ADC and DAC steps. Also, depending on the manufacturer, the onboard DAC may be well better than the Airport Express' onboard circuitry.

If you only have analog inputs then having a DAC is still not required, BUT may be desired.

This is because an outboard DAC is likely far better quality than the onboard DAC in the AE. I use AEs in both configs. My Meridian h/t processor has optical digital input, and I go straight in and use the DAC this is onboard the processor. This is preferable since Meridian gear converts all analog inputs to digital anyway, thereby avoiding two more "conversion" points.

For my analog two channel rig, I go from the AE to an Assemblage DAC and then to my BAT pre-amp. I could go from the AE to the BAT via analog interconnect but I'm sure my Assemblage is way superior to the AE dac. Hope this helps.
The Airport Express through a High Quality DAC really makes for enjoyable listening. I run my Airport Express into my Electrocompaniet ECD-1 right along side my Theta CD Transport and now probably listen to Airport Express probably 75% of the time just due to ease of accessing my music and not having to change discs.

On the cheap, you could pick up either a Bel Canto DAC-1 or DAC-2 depending on your budget. They are really hard to beat and both have the Toslink input. You can find them for ($400-$700) here on Audiogon..

Good Luck..
