Any comments on my Ayre AX-7e vs Ayre EX-8 vs Simaudio Moon 340i Integrated Amplifiers

I am using my 12-year-old Ayre AX-7e integrated amplifier in my 2-channel home theatre system including the Ayre CODEX DAC and Quad L12 mini speakers. It sounds very good. 

My retailer (same one I purchased the Ayre and Quad speakers from) suggests I consider the new Ayre EX-8 integrated amp-DAC or the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i Integrated amplifier-DAC for improved sound quality.

My concern is my Ayre amplifier is 12+ years old and its circuits are getting old (I do not know).  

The Ayre Acoustics EX-8 Pricing below has several input options:

$5,990.00 (analog-only)
$6,950 + Digital Base (S/PDIF)
$7,450 + Digital Base + USB
$7,650 + Digital Base + Network/Ethernet
$7,850 all of the above

The Simaudio Moon 340i pricing below seems more reasonable (to me):

Base Price: $4,950. Options: MM/MC phono stage, $400; DSD DAC, $900; D3PX edition (all options included), $5,800 minus the MM/MC phono stage, $400, my net price is $5,400.

I am researching an upgrade and am looking at my options.  The Ayre amp is more expensive than the Simaudio that looks very good.  And, yes, I plan on listening to both units shortly.  My current Ayre amplifier and CODEX DAC are located in a cabinet and I need something that is about the same size and does not generate much heat.  Any new DAC requires an optical (ToslLink) input from my LG OLED 4K HDR 55B6P TV.

Does anyone have any comments, or recommendations, on the Ayre EX-8 or the Simaudio Moon Neo 340i DSD DAC or another integrated amplifier-DAC unit?   

Looking at the few pictures there are of its guts that are on the web, it's certainly not a conventional design.  Everything is pushed back to the rear of the unit, and there are no conventional heatsinks.  I wonder what Class it operates in exactly.
In my opinion, I would get the EX-8 with DAC, as I believe Ayre will offer the best they can in their new offering. Of course, I would also contact them directly and get their take on this.
The Codex (I own 2) is a very special DAC. I think it compares favorably with the Schiit Yggy. And, used, it is a great buy. With my Vandy Treo's and MXR's (non20), I couldn't be happier. (Though I am getting an AQ Thunder power cable for the Codex, Johnny Rutan said it will be a game changer).
I also own the AX7e which I use with a Codex for my Office system. 
I leave the AX-7 on 24/7. Even Ayre said it does no damage.
HTH, and I wish you good luck on your upgrades.
It does look like the ex-8 is something different again, an "integrated hub" as Ayre label it, so more along the lines of the Lyngdorf or Micromega super integrated do it all swiss army knifes that just a plain old integrated.

In that respect it may be as well to go "all in" as long as you accept that the sound will be all Ayre for every aspect.
Ayre EX8 first choice. 340i second.

AX7e is an old model. Things have changed since.
As you have a dealer, I would bring in your old amp and see if you can hear any improvement that is worth upgrading to.  I would not worry about the fact that your amp is old.  It's all about how it sounds.