Any Famous people on Audiogon ?

Off the subject a bit, a little humor. I am just curious if any celebrities
or famous people are using Audiogon. I know FABIO is into Hi-end audio, plus he had Martin Sayers of Martin Logan & Dan D'gastino of Krell on his little Bio program on the E network.
I am not famous, and just curious.
Rich and famous people care about the conspicuous comsumption of houses, clothes, cars, boats, travel, and maybe on occasion food and wine. Nobody cares about audio -- any more than cheerleader went to the prom with the AV geek in high school.
Perhaps we should change our definition of what constitutes "famous". I think you should consider Sugarbrie famous, he's performing in concert with Dave Brubeck this month in Baltimore--that's terrific! I'm not famous now, but I was for 15 minutes last month when I had my picture on the front page of the Arts section of the NY Times. Any others similarly famous?
To answer your question directly, Jayboard is famous. Please forward this message to everyone you know.