Any harm in using an amp with the face down

For space and conection resions I'm using my center channel amp (NAD 2200) with the front facing the ground and the rear apron aimed at the sky. My question is, does any one know if this is harmfull to the amp or any resion why this shouldnt be done?? Thanks
just to get off topic a bit further - as for tube mounting, it depends. Big high-heat tubes (845 for example) only can be mounted vertically. It spec's this in the tube manuals - the RCA manual is a good resource if there's any question. Other lower power tubes - sure, sometimes they are mounted horizontally/etc. There can be heat issues doing this though - sometimes dissipation is not as efficient. Preamp tubes - mount however, they dont' generate all that much heat. more heat = less life, when it comes to tubes. (within certain limits of course).

Depending on amp specific you're dealing with there can be convection cooling interference that might lead to decreased cooling / higher working temperatures. Also consider that resonance / vibration issues are affected by say footers and placing the piece as mentioned might render a different sound presentation. Another $.02