Any ideas on the Emotiva Xpa 1 Gen 2 vs other Mono or 2 channel amps?

Hey, I am still looking for a good Mono set or 2 Channel amp in the $2500-3500 range.I am looking at the XPA 1 Gen2 to start with,any other ideas? I have never had this much trouble searching for a good Amp. Thanks Guys.
I just checked the specs on the emotiva XPA-1, and in the specifications section they state that 4 ohms is the minimum load recommended.  I guess not all monoblocks are the same.  

I wasn't suggesting that any stereo amps shouldn't be run in bridged mode, simply pointing out the A21's stated limitations.

And I tried to find the reference to running the Vidars in monoblock with the 4 ohms Magnepans, but can't find it.  I'd suggest that one call Schiit and discuss this if that's the goal.  But for sure it would be fine as a stereo amp, but then it's only 100 wpc.
Stay away from all these brands! For $3500 you can scour the country for a used McIntosh MC352! I wouldnt give up till you find one. Finding one of these MC352's is not impossible and will blow away anything listed here in this post. Spend your money wisely.

Matt M
If I had 3K to spend on an amp, it certainly wouldn't be an Emotiva.  That's mid fi equipment pretending to be hi fi.  It is  nothing more than a modern day Adcom.
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Okay, here's another thought.  Adcom.  They've been introducing new 2 channel amps since 2011 or so, and the new amps are based on the award winning designs that put them on the map.

I'd suggest the GFA 565SE or the 575SE depending on how strong your back is.  Only the 575SE has a 12 volt trigger for automatic turn on, for some reason.