Any suggestions for good (and affordable) platforms for JBL 4367?

I am getting a pair of these soon and not sure what to get for rising them off the floor 4-5 inches so they'll be at ear level. I was thinking something decent, not fancy, maybe with a granite slab on top of some brass footers. Dunno what to get. I sent isoacoustics an email but they haven't got back yet. Anyone here with similar type of speaker have any ideas? From my research most owners DIY'd their own stands, or had something made locally but I'm at a bit of a loss what to get. I think I need something custom made, since the dimensions for this speaker seem a little different than traditional floor standers.
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Check out Kenrick Sound on YouTube.

Almost any of the videos will show the speaker and how they fit on their stands. They make a simple but functional looking wood stand that can accommodate speakers much larger than yours. Then see if you can have some local talent make something similar for much less than they'd charge (their cheapest is around $650 for a speaker smaller than yours).

Here is a better look at them:

You can also try Deer Creek Audio at:

They've expanded the number of stands since I got mine but I don't see where they have one specifically for your 4367. They will do a custom order but it may be too dear in cost since it's not in their inventory and it's made by a local craftsman and artist. But you'll never know until you ask.

Also, don't be fooled by the simplicity of the design. The one I have is simply steel with a deadener internally added and uses nothing more than felt feet and padding on the steel frame for the speaker. Not at all like the cutting edge stuff out there and yet I have the most stable, layered and exacting sound stage ever. Just goes to show....

All the best,
bump. thanks for the help nonoise, those kendrick sound stands look really nice, however, it looks like they were meant for the jbl 4345, perhaps theyre not the right height, as well, they weigh only 7kg a piece, that is either some very light wood, or its not completely solid. in any case, 7kg wood stands doesn't seem worth $800 to me... as for the other one um, i'm not sure if a stand designed for the l100 would really be suitable for my 4367. i'd rather something with a solid base on top, or at least, thicker then that thin metal frame.
I wound up contacting a local woodworker and comissioning him to make me a pair of kenrick sound inspired stands. Cheap! Will have them in about 2 weeks.