Any thoughts on Krell

Just wondering if anyone out there is getting frustrated with Krells continued changing of product lines and designs. I have been a very loyal Krell user, but I am feeling that Krell has changed their business philosophy. I have coughed up a ton of dough on KPS25SC, KAS's, FPB's, and the AVS which turned out to be non upgradable. each time I settle in to these large investments, Krell changes the look and the entire line. The value of the "last version" drops like a rock for all of us users. Unlike a brand like McIntosh that has a philosphy of at least leaving the appearance the same. Perhaps I am bit sensitive on this topic. Any thoughts?
strenckr sure helps all of those that purchase their gear here used on Agon. I guess that it all really depends upon what one really want in a system. How much of a priority is placed for some on cosmetics is completely subjective.

I noticed that in your other thread from 5 years ago you were asking about the KAS's. It seems that the respondants were very favorable towards the KAS vs the newer offerings and some even made mention that "Dan" agreed that sonics had changed very slightly. With regards to your particular question...did you not buy your KAS's on the used market? Wouldn't you have benefitted (by a significant $$$$$ margin) from that side of the equation as it was no longer the "latest version" and would rather fall under the "last version" category that you refer to?

Bottom line lose more $ on depreciation when you buy new...that pretty much goes for most things with a few exceptions.

just my 2c fwiw
Products are constantly being made "new and improved" in order to get continuing market attention. It's a common business marketing tactic that I don't think will change. It isn't unique to Krell, or to electronic products for that matter. My favourite brand is continually making improvements, but at least they keep the cosmetics intact for about eight to ten years at a time. The best advice I would offer is simply to realize what their approach is and take advantage of it. In other words, don't buy new but buy the reently discontinued model at a great discount price! If they change frequently, you're not going to be missing out on quality or any vast technological improvement. And you can resell at little or no loss. That's why a lot of us are here at Audiogon.
Buy the gear for what it sounds like now and whehter or not you like the looks.

Seems to me if you consider it a large investment (I do) then you would want to buy something that would keep you happy for a while. Regardless of what else comes on the market.
Newer is not always better. I'm not a Krell fan, but I prefer the sound of older Krell gear to that of the newer gear. Just relax and enjoy what you have.
I am a Krell fan, but I would never buy it new for the reasons you mention. Being able to buy a used piece in good condition at a bargain is positive, not a negative to me. But then, I don't necessarily need the latest and greatest, just something that fits my needs.