Any tweaks recommded for under cd player?

I have a lector cdp7 cd player looking for some tweaks under the cd to get a little more extended on the high?
Any recommendation out there?
Thanks in advanced
Thanks for all the responses, the only tweak I had tried is Shumook super cone current under mine pre-amp, does not sound good under mine cd player, the player is sitting on original cone and piece of maple platform would like to get little more extended out on the high.
I've tried BDR cones, FIM 305 roller balls, Herbie's Tenderfeet and some
others but these three are the ones worth mentioning. Right now my best
transport is on BDR cones plus Herbie's grounding bases. My second-string
player is on Herbie's Tenderfeet.

By the way, is you haven't treated your player's AC electrical supply, this is
worth exploring. Power cords and transformer isolation have helped every
CDP I've had.
Yes the cd player is plug into hydra with purist dominus pc both with fluid and ferrox version ic is proteus provectus.
Rollerblocks of any kind have always worked well under the transports and CD players I've tried them on. They provide some isolation while enhancing a clean and crisp sound, kind of like spikes in that way but with built in vibration control to boot.

Pick any three mentioned thus far and try them.

As you can see, there is seldom a consensus recommendation when it comes to tweaks.

Oh yeah, I'll add Grand Prix Audio Apex footers...