Any user of Bel Canto DAC 2 ?

Hi anyone has tried the Bel Canto DAC 2 and Kora Hermes 24/192? How is the performance of these DACs.
I did a direct comparison of both of these. I preferred the Kora, but only barely, and since it was tricked out with a bunch of extras and upgrades, I went with the DAC2 and have been quite pleased. When I compare my DAC2 to my SACD (Modwright sony 9000) I'd say the DAC2 is about 90% of the SACD.
Also pair the DAC 2 with a Sony–the 777 SACD player. Have found that the DAC 2 ameliorates digital hardness and glare, deepens the bass, and, in general, makes things more listenable.
I am also running DAC2. I tried 3 different
dvd's and 2 different cd's and ended up using
a Yamaha cd with toslink seems to have best
low end without losing anything else.
Overall i think the DAC2 is outstanding. It
really does a great job of breaking up any
congestion and glare on redbooks. I would say
its about 80-90% of my dvd-a setup. On some of
the dvd-a's the sound is just incredible.