Any user of Bel Canto DAC 2 ?

Hi anyone has tried the Bel Canto DAC 2 and Kora Hermes 24/192? How is the performance of these DACs.
I did a direct comparison of both of these. I preferred the Kora, but only barely, and since it was tricked out with a bunch of extras and upgrades, I went with the DAC2 and have been quite pleased. When I compare my DAC2 to my SACD (Modwright sony 9000) I'd say the DAC2 is about 90% of the SACD.
Also pair the DAC 2 with a Sony–the 777 SACD player. Have found that the DAC 2 ameliorates digital hardness and glare, deepens the bass, and, in general, makes things more listenable.
I am also running DAC2. I tried 3 different
dvd's and 2 different cd's and ended up using
a Yamaha cd with toslink seems to have best
low end without losing anything else.
Overall i think the DAC2 is outstanding. It
really does a great job of breaking up any
congestion and glare on redbooks. I would say
its about 80-90% of my dvd-a setup. On some of
the dvd-a's the sound is just incredible.
I used to own the BC 1.1 and thought it was and exellent unit until I heard Kora Hermes in its basic version. The difference was like night and day: the Kora was much more dynamic with stronger, deeper and tighter bass, much more detail, with very refined and better saturated midrange and and overall more musical and smooth presentation. The Bel Canto seemed lifeless and sort of greyish, bleached of colors. I sold the 1.1 and got the Hermes. I have been more than happy since then although I'm tempted to try the upgraded Hermes with Auricaps and Jena wire.