Anybody getting Paradigm Studio 100's to image?

Can these speakers produce a convincing soundstage and a realistic center image, or are they just a good speaker to rock out with? My Dunlavys are going and I have a chance to pick a pair of the studio 100 v1's for about $500. I heard them in a store once and they seemed to be pretty dynamic and have good bass. I just cant remember if they imaged well. Are these "reference speakers" or are they just a notch or two above circuit city stuff?
IMO they will probably never image as well as your Dunlavy's. I had the 40's and bought them over the 60's because they imaged better but not great. I think Paradigms are a pretty good speakers at their price point but better to be had out there. Be careful, Paradigm's can be brutally bright in the wrong setup. Good Luck.
It depends on your set-up including room and electronics. They'll never image like monitors but they definately are way better than Circuit city stuff. I had the 40v2's and they imaged really well. The 100v2's that I have now don't image as well but there's more body to the sound that is more lifelike and open sounding. You definately get a nice center fill with them. I've owned mostly monitors like the 40v2s, Totem Rokks and Totem Model Ones and ProAc Tablettes and Dynaudio 1.3s. That's the way to go for great imaging and soundstaging. But for the dynamics of live music and accurate, great bass the Paradigms are hard to beat
I owned the V1 and V2, both powered by a McIntosh C22 / MC275 combination. I had no problem with imaging. The V2 is a better speaker, but as stated above, can be a little tipped up in the high notes, even when using tubes. If you can get a pair for $500. GO FOR IT.