Anybody watch the Grammys tonight?

I was too busy listening to MUSIC on my analogue rig.  Sigh.  What am I missing?
"huntin and fishin" more programmed stereotypes?
Orpheus10, conversely you could be accused of tired and worn liberal/leftist cliches with a myopic view of those with different perspectives. It cuts in both directions.

“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”
Eric Hoffer, The Temper of Our Time   

I think we are now in the "racket" stage. 

Kool-aid anyone??


Charles, the left has been declared a greater enemy to this country than North Korea, there is no left,we have been destroyed by both parties; that's because both parties are owned by the oligarchs, and when we point this out, they find ways to destroy us.
How about every ethnic or social group have their own music awards show and then everyone will be happy?

The melting pot has melted when it comes to pop music it produces these days.

The more people mind their own business the better off everyone will be.

Its not like a random sample of folks are chosen as the electoral college for giving music awards. 
Hi Orpheus10,
I believe that Tom Perez, Keith Ellison,  Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Waters would take issue with your assessment. 