anyone biamping with B&K ST-140?

Anyone tried biamping with two B&K ST-140 amps? I want to biamp my Paradigm Studio 60 v.2 speakers. Any have this set-up? Also, any idea on the different ST-140 amps? I've seen some with handles and some without. I have also seen some with blue and red lettering and some without. Do I have to have two identical ST-140 amps to biamp? Will I need an external crossover? thanks
A little off track, but, B&K also made mono versions of the ST 140. Not all B&K ST 140's are the same. Your success with mixing depends upon your system and how you do it. If you are mixing it's probably better to do it horozontaly as opposed to verticaly. The safest bet it to use as identical amps as possible.
which of the B&K ST-140 amps are more desirered and why? is the one with the handles rated (power) the same as the one with the blue lettering?
I don't have the expertise to be able to identify all the different incarnations, and there were quite a few. Many swear that the original 70 watt per channel ones were the best. I have to imagine the mono's have got to be up there too. I'm not sure but I think even the mono's had different versions. These amps have been made over quite a span of time.