Anyone compare Conrad Premier to Rogue?

I currently have a Rogue 88/66 Magnum combo powering my MartinLogan Aeons. Getting into tubes has been a revelation, and now I am considering taking a plunge into a Conrad Johnson Premier 17/140 combo. Unfortunately, my only Conrad dealer doesn't stock either, so I can't compare them to my Rogue setup. With the Rogue, sometimes to get a sense of dynamic swing, especially with DVD concert movies, I need to turn up the volume quite loud, and that drives my husband nuts. I thought the additional power of the Conrad might help in that regard. I've also heard Conrad has better bass, but I have no benchmark to compare it to. Any feedback appreciated.
Yioyos. I wasn't sure where they were getting the CJ is superior either. Relooked at the question though and she is asking about upgrading form a specific system. A $3500 Rogue system to a $12500 CJ system. Not rather CJ is superior to Rogue.

So your talking a $2000 amp & $1500 pre as opposed to a $7000 amp and $5500 pre amp.
As a former owner of five CJ products I think you may not find the dynamic swings desired from the 17LS. I've owned three CJ pre-amps (PV4, PV5, and 16LS II) and found none of them very dynamic and even found the 16LS II a bit veiled and restrictive. In fact, after trying a number of other tube products (Cary, Mesa, OTLs) I've settled on Air Tight and as happy as a pig in you-know-what. I'm lacking nothing and have beautiful music at my command.

However, I do understand the addiction to CJ products as they have their own sound which is a lot like enjoying one type of wine, tequila, etc. over another. Maybe I'm just getting older and want more transparency and vividness to make up for stuff in my own head. Further, CJ are a great company with first class customer service and dealer back-up, and are one of the great American hi-fi companies - there's no arguing about that!
Arafel, still haven't done anything?

Personally, I'd upgrade the poweramps first since you're substantially short on power.

Buy a used pair; you can always sell them if you don't love them and it will cost you very little.
You are absolutely right,I didn't look into it .In any case I believe that both companies are excellent and offer quality products that suite any budget.Customer support is great from both as well.
I think the answer lies mixed in some of the threads. First, each and every amp/manufacturer has their own signature sound. And, there is no doubt that CJ's is excellent, musical and captivating. Compared to the Rogue it is more refined and revealing. When controlled for dynamics other variables come into play and it then becomes an issue of how well one can control and/or work with these variables, i.e. system and room interaction and personal tastes. At the end of the day if I had my choice, I would take the CJ 140/17 or the 350/17 over the Rogue for detail, specificity and purity. The 350 delivers everything the 140 does but with the bass that is more characteristic of the bigger Rogues (albeit with more control reflecting SS versus tubes). The dynamics will evolve from the interactions of these characteristics, room control and carefully matching front end and cables.